The Original Lifting Sequence from Amazing Spider-Man 33

Barry Pearl, chock full of rare collector’s items as usual, has just breathlessly rushed me an amazing discovery he found buried under an old issue of Millie the Model he misfiled in late 1965. Presented here for the first time is the original version of the famous lifting sequence from Amazing Spider-Man #33:

Spiderman unedited Lifting Sequence

Barry and I are currently fighting over who gets auteur rights to the first publication of this discovery, which is probably going to be worth more than a mint copy of Action Comics #1 mere minutes after I post this. Er, did I say in the first paragraph that Barry found it? I meant that I hired him to hunt for it in his closet, after I originally thought to look for it. Yeah, that’s the ticket. . .

(For a more serious treatment of the classic Lifting Sequence, be sure to read Nick Caputo’s in-depth analysis.)

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